Monday, March 31, 2025
Norwegian Sources

Norwegian probate records 2

We continue the look at Norwegian probate records

In my article Introduction to Norwegian probate records, we looked at the background and principles for the probation of estates.

In this article, we’ll start to look at what we can find and how we can use it.

The easiest probate records both to find and to read are the so-called “skiftekort”. In Digitalarkivet this name is translated as Probate index cards.

These Probate index cards are transcriptions of the actual probate record. This means this is a secondary source and it is important to treat them as such.

At the time of this writing, we find 84 collections of Probate index cards from different magistrate districts.

Local court districts
Before we continue this discussion, we need to take a look at the term “Tinglag” This indicates a local court district. This local court district usually equaled a municipality or parish.

Each magistrate usually had several local court districts under his jurisdiction.

There might be several farms with the same name in the magistrate’s district. These were distinguished, on the probate index Cards, by what local court district, parish or localparish the farm were situated in.

Here is a list of the old local court districts in Norway.

They are organized by Amt (county) and Fogderi (equals Magistrate’s district).

Go on to YouTube to see my video about how to search for, and use the probate index cards.

7 thoughts on “Norwegian probate records 2

  • I’m really enjoying your videos and appreciate all the work that must go into them. Keep up the good work.

  • Very Informative.

  • Having researched my Norwegian ancestors using first microfilm and now digital images for nearly 20 years, I appreciate your explanations, tips, and now pronunciation of terms and place names. Love the outtakes at the end!

  • Helpful as I research Norwegian records to find information on my husbands grandparent. I am grateful for the 1891 census recently entered on line.

  • I am so greatful to you! Well done blog.

    • Hello

      This reply goes to all of you who took the time to comment.

      Thank you all for the encouraging words!! As this blog is a labor of love, the only reward I have is the knowledge that you are helped by my writings.

  • Hi Martin,
    This was a great video! It is so helpful to have you walk us through the process. I haven’t pursued probate records before but now I will check on a number of my ancestors and see what I can find. Mange takk.


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