Friday, March 28, 2025
Life in general......

Friday finds: Week 36 – 2017

Here are som websites I have looked at this week

Having the flu is not fun, but not being able to do much else, it gave me time to read some.

At the website ThorNews “SUPPLIER OF NORWEGIAN CULTURE” I found an article called Old Norse Girl Names – Alphabetical List and Meanings Why not take a look here and see if you can find a suitable name for the family’s newborn girl.

I have not worked with DNA in relation to genealogy so I am trying to learn more about this. I found and interesting article at Kitty Cooper’s blog. The 25% relationship: a first look at the data


It is always fun to share other blogs with a Norwegian connection. Teri Hjelmstad’s website is an interesting place to visit. It contains Tei’s blog, her family trees and photos related to her genealogy.


As I keep finding genealogical information posted online with no sources attached, I am returning to a topic I have touched upon several times. Some genealogist wrote that “without proper sources a family history is mere fairy tales” from the find my past blog I share  Debbie Mieszala’s article Citations: the importance of citing your sources.

Having watched the devastation in Texas and monitoring the next big storm that might hit Florida, I hope people have taken steps to protect their irreplaceable belongings.  If not this article might be of interest. All is Not Lost: Rescuing Memories After the Flood by Carolyn Nicolaysen. The article is from the Meridian Magazine.

 We have all these stories told in the family. Some are true, but others does sometimes turn out to be false. Jeanne Bryan Insalaco writes about this in her blog Everyone Has a Story. Read her article Family Stories: True or False

It was not only immigrants from Norway who had to adapt their names in their new country. Tv personality Pat Sajak, on the website  Ricochet tells about his name and his visit to the house his grandfathers left in Poland Pat Sajak’s Letter “D” in Poland.

Here are some other blogs that presents links under the “finds” meme:

If you enjoy my reflections on genealogy, be sure to follow me on twitter. I am also on Instagram where I share pictures from Norway, often with a genealogy theme. Click here to reach me. You can subscribe to this blog by leaving your email address in the subscription field on the front page.

I am also grateful if you share my blog with fellow genealogists.

Have a great weekend!

4 thoughts on “Friday finds: Week 36 – 2017

  • Hi Martin,
    I was fascinated by the link to the names blog. I am third generation Norwegian in the United States, but my middle name is Thordis – which was my Mom’s first name. She was named for an aunt of hers that passed away as a baby. I gave my oldest daughter the middle name of Thordis, and she gave her oldest daughter the middle name of Thordis. So, now there are 5 in a row. It is very unusual in my circles, but common in our family.

    Daughter number 2 we named Dagny for a first name, after my grandmother’s middle name. It is pretty rare here also, but it totally fits her!

    Thanks again for the blog,
    Clytee Thordis Kleager Gold

    • Both Thordis and Dagny are beautiful old Norwegian names. Unfortunately not as popular as earlier. We gave all our children old Norwegian names Steinar Roe, Hans Inge and Karoline Synnøve. I am sometimes asked about my middle name Roe. This is often a surname, but here in Romsdal this name is used as a given name. My father was Bjarte Roe, I am Martin Roe and our oldest son is Steinar Roe. He has promised that if he gets a son he will include the Roe name.

  • Yea for family names!! How do you say “Roe”, is it like row with a long “o”?

    • I guess the best way to “print” the pronounciation is Roeh. There is no “w” but an pronounced “e → eh” at the end. The O isn’t long.


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