Who was the “husmann”?
The title “husmann” appear in all the sources we use in Norwegian genealogy.
Genealogy, history and culture from Norway
The title “husmann” appear in all the sources we use in Norwegian genealogy.
An easy way to tell if the record we look at in the Norwegian Digital Archives are transcribed.
I am a little behind in my writing and this theme in the “52 ancestors in 52 weeks challenge” is from a couple of weeks ago.
Here is a Source for old Norwegian newspapers.
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Finding ancestors is not always straightforward.
A certificate often found among the family’s old papers
Here is a page that lets us stay updated on the latest sources published in the Norwegian Digital archives
In this article, I will look at the Norwegian title “Klokker”
Here are some tips and tricks for deciphering Norwegian farm names
It is easy to get lost in the old church records.
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