A mystery set in Norway
The Storm Sister: A Novel (The Seven Sisters series) 
My wife is a member of a book club. Some days ago this book arrived in our mailbox.
Genealogy, history and culture from Norway
My wife is a member of a book club. Some days ago this book arrived in our mailbox.
I have added a download section where I plan to add various material that can be helpful to genealogists.
I plan to add more of these documents so be sure to check back!
The link to the downloads will reside in the top menu bar. You can access the downloads here.
Many foreigners struggle with the causes of death that are listed in the Norwegian church records.
The Norwegian Genealogy Dictionary at martinroe.com/blog is updated
For a while many of the resources I host will reside on my “old” website. I realize I will need som time to figure out how to organize it all.
Please follow the link in the navigation bar to Martin’s Norwegian Genealogy Magazine. If you do, some of the links will bring you back to the blog as things get moved
I never pictured me being a blogger, but here I am.
Many years ago I set up a website that I called Martin’s Magazine. I have, off and on, been working on that. Lately I have worked on expanding this site and adding new content. I have, however, found myself spending way more time working on technical issues rather than writing.
When I learned about the WordPress solution I realized that this might be something for me to try. Now some nice person, with way more brain than I, have done all the boring work so I can focus on what I like to do; studying history, genealogy and “stuff”
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