Saturday, March 29, 2025

5 thoughts on “What genealogy software do you use?

  • G’day Martin, I used to use PAF5 (Personal Ancestral File) in windows XP and windows 7, I think PAF is now obsolete, but I have the file and the program running on my laptop, also recently started using a free linux program called gramps.. which is excellent, price is great 🙂

  • Another thought on Genealogy Software

    I use The Master Genealogist–now also obsolete. I like it so much that I made the decision to continue when it ceased doing business.

  • I use Roots Magic 7. Used Family Tree Maker for years then they went through all their changes, so much drama I switched. I like RM7 and would recommend it

  • I use Legacy 9 and have done so for years. I love it and highly recommend it.

  • Seems you are only listing Windows applications only. A few of them have Mac versions too, though, but I see no Mac-only applications, e.g. the well known MacFamliyTree, solidly developed in Germany.


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