Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Life in general......Places to visit

Video Wednesday: What is a fjord?

Find your fjord!

The Travel agency Fjord Norway has its name from the many beautiful fjords. But what exactly is a fjord? And how were they created? We give you the essentials in this video.

Linked from YouTube channel Fjord Norway

Credits: Sverre Hjørnevik, Matador Network, H+I Adventure, Fjord Norway

Even if you are not planning a trip to Norway, you should go to their site and watch the many beautiful videos and pictrues.

For your bucket list:

Fjord Norway on Facebook:  FjordNorway

Fjord Norway on Twitter: @fjordnorway

Fjord Norway on Instagram:

For more on fjords go to Wikipedia

I have no affiliation with the company Fjord Norway and do not receive any form of compensation for posting this.

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