Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Historical photos

Photo of the week

Instead of my ususal Friday’s Finds I bring you an old photo

This is from the Salvation army’s orphanage in Oslo, Probably around 1911. The Christmas tree is decorated and lit.

 Creative commons (CC BY-SA)

 Oslo Museum


The picture is by Anders Beer Wilse, one of the most famous Norwegian photographers. He, of course, did a lot of assignments, but he also travelled Norway and photographed on his own initiative. This means he got to take pictures of people not only in their “Sunday bests”, but also in their every day situation.

Read about Anders Beer Wilse at Wikipedia.

One thought on “Photo of the week

  • Prison’s and jails are a great source. Also, records were burned, due to a church burning down, what about cemetery’s if there is no other record of death?


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