Wednesday, March 26, 2025
For beginners

New beginnings!

Every once in a while I am contacted by people who are just starting out in genealogy.  The one question they often ask is: “Where do I start”.

Now at the start of the year it can be suitable to make a re-run of some  articles aimed at helping the budding genealogist.

A brief introduction to genealogy covers the basic steps to get started. I also talk a little bit about genealogy software and point you to some important Norwegian Sources.

I mention the articles on Gothic handwriting in the article above, but as this often is a challenge for us, I collected them all in the article The Gothic syllabus.

If you still need help you should never be afraid to ask.
“The only stupid question, is the one that is never asked”

If you are on Facebook, there are numerous groups that discuss genealogy.
Here are two of the groups I take part in:

Norwegian-American Genealogy Help Here

 Norwegian Genealogy

You can also “like” my Facebookpage:

Norwegian Genealogy and then some.
A link to the articles on my blog appears here and I do occasionally share links to things relating to Norway or genealogy.

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