Wednesday, March 26, 2025
For beginnersGenealogy (general)Life in general......

Taking advantage of free time

In the unusual situation that we face right now, we can put our free time to good use.

Covid19 is ravaging the world and many of us are confined to our homes. Why not use this time for something worthwhile? If you are like my family, you have storage places in your home where “stuff” has been piling up over the years.  While organizing these storage places we may come across papers, pictures, or items that can shed light on our family history.

If you are new to genealogy this can be a real eyeopener. If you have been at it for a while, you may already have been through that material and think you won’t find anything new or interesting. Think again! Sometimes we miss something. That’s just the way we humans are. Also, now that you have been researching your family for a while, you may have information from other sources that makes material you put back in storage the last time you searched stand out in a different light.

In my article “It’s time to clean out the attic” I give you some thoughts on how to gather family information in your own home.

Happy hunting!

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