Saturday, March 29, 2025
Life in general......

I got my Christmas gift early

About a month ago I was ready to start blogging again after a little break

This summer and fall I had to divert my focus away from genealogy to complete some projects. In the beginning of November, I was excited about finally get back to genealogy and blogging, but then everything went south. I started to experience technical problems with my blog. As my host at the time was less than forthcoming in helping me solve these problems I decided to move my blog to a new host.

My new “home” is at Bluehost and I have received great assistance from their always kind and helpful staff.

So, yesterday I finally had my blog restored.

I still have some work to do. As you might have seen already, there are many broken links that I will have to address. Also, there are ads all over the place. I don’t intend for it to be this way, but right now I have problems tweaking the program to insert fewer ads at the exact place I want them to be.

As we are fast approaching Christmas I set up a “Store” with some Norwegian gift suggestions.  If you shop on Amazon for these gifts or any item by entering through my ads, you greatly support the continuation of this blog. Notice there are several search fields in the store where you can search for your desired product.

This time, I hope I can finally start focusing on genealogy. Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of help in your search for ancestors from Norway.

4 thoughts on “I got my Christmas gift early

  • Welcome back, Martin!

  • Greetings Martin from Australia, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    It looks like the weather is pretty cool over where you live.
    It’s a nice cool morning here, 26 degrees C,
    …but it’ll probably get quite warm later on in the day… 🙂

    • Hello Graeme

      It was very nice to hear from you. You are right, the weather here is really poor while you are having your summer.

      A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!



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