Saturday, March 29, 2025
Genealogy (general)

Golden rules of genealogy

Roaming the internet I came across these websites with interesting advice for us.

Rules are often thought of as something negative, so let us rethink these rules and look at them as advice. You will find that much of the advice is repeated in the different links below. Still, it’s always good to get things repeated with a little different wording. A lot of these are things I wish I knew back when I was getting started in genealogy.

Fortunately, no one is going to arrest us for breaking any of these rules. Find those that apply to you.

12 Golden Rules of Genealogy

From Alona in the blog Lonetester HQ

27 Golden Rules of Genealogy

Thomas MacEntee:
The Genealogy Do-Over: Golden Rules I Use to Pursue Genealogy and Family History Research

Cairns and District Family History have some wise rules to remember when working on your genealogy.

Golden Rules of Genealogy

Kassandra Morrison in the blog “Me for the World to see”

My Golden Rules of Genealogy


This article didn’t get as well organized as I wanted it to be. I accidentally hit the publish button!? before I was done. Anyway, I hope you find something of interest.

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