Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Life in general......

Friday finds: Week 35 -2017

Here are som websites I have visited this week

There’s no better use of your time than telling the story of the families that mean most to you. Lisa Louise Cooke in the Genealogy Gems website claims that “Every single one has a story, and I can’t think of a better person to tell that story than you!” Read You have more families and stories to tell than you think.

 The Viking age lasted only a short time. This era has a lot of interesting history.  The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) and Antikva ehf. from Iceland, along with others, will investigate where Viking ships and their rivets found in Iceland originally came from. Viking ships come full circle?

Search options on online databases many times helps us find our ancestors. Sometimes they may actually keep us  from finding what we are looking for. Read Ancestry.com’s “Location Traps” Are Causing Researchers to Miss Important Records in the Family History Daily

When I found the article titled Indiscretion, Lies, and heck yeah, call me Princess: How I staked my claim to the British throne, I just had to read it. This is from the finding family stories blog

I doesn’t help how much we research if we are not able to find the material when we need it.  Watch Amy Johnson Crow’s video Organize Your Digital Files: Tips From Genealogy Guy Drew Smith 

How do we deal with the earthly trappings of one who had passed?  Debbie Mieszala in The Advancing Genealogist talks about this in her article Cherished Tokens.

“Genealogists deal with all kinds of family information each and every day, including, of course, family secrets” writes  The Legal Genealogist Judy G. Russell. As some of the information we come across in our genealogy research may involve living persons we may need some Ethical guidance.

Here are some other blogs that presents links under the “finds” meme:

If you enjoy my reflections on genealogy, be sure to follow me on twitter. I am also on Instagram where I share pictures from Norway, often with a genealogy theme. Click here to reach me. You can subscribe to this blog by leaving your email address in the subscription field on the front page.

I am also grateful if you share my blog with fellow genealogists.

Have a great weekend!





One thought on “Friday finds: Week 35 -2017

  • Wow! You’ve been doing a lot of looking at websites. Thank you, for this time and this review!


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