Friday finds: Week 16 – 2019
here are some websites I have visited this week
It is spring in Norway and I must admit that it is far more tempting to be outside and enjoy the sun and the warmer weather. As some of you might have noticed I have not been publishing much lately. I hope you will stick with me as I will return.
The blog Genealogy explained presents an interesting flowchart that can be downloaded and printed. The chart shows us the search process and how to keep this within the Genealogy Proof Standard. Read Genealogical Proof Standard
Summer and family reunions are just around the corner! Read the article by Alice Childs at the blog Family Locket Celebrating Your Family’s History at Family Reunions

The Genealogy Guys Blog tells about how to add “metadata” to your digital pictures. If you don’t know what Metadata is, read their article and you might find an answer to a problem facing us when organizing digital photos. Adding Metadata to Your Digital Photos
Chris Paton at The GENES Blog tells us that there is Free Easter access to Ancestry
Newspaper notes and articles can add interesting information to our family history. The Ancestor Hunt tells us that Advantage Archives Adds 4,5 million historical newspaper pages

I end this week’s list with a rerun of an article published a couple of years ago. I also take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter!
The Norwegian “hyttepåske”
Here are some other blogs that present links under the “finds” meme:
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