Saturday, March 29, 2025
Genealogy (general)

Friday finds: Genealogical Proof Standard

This week I have looked into the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS)

I touched on this topic a few weeks ago when I wrote about the use of proper sources. This week I have looked into how we evaluate these sources to prove the connections we make in our family tree. I readily admit that when I first got into genealogy, I wasn’t all that occupied with sources and proof. I have, however seen how easy it is to mix up all the Ole Hansens and Anne Olsdatters we find.  The further back in time we get, the number of sources diminishes. Sooner or later we get into the cases where we only have indirect proof to make our case. Here are a few websites that deals with the proof standard

detective-1424831_640In the Family search blog we find Understanding the Genealogical Proof Standard This is the first of three posts explaining the GPS. “Direct evidence is awesome, Indirect evidence is like a puzzle piece. You can’t answer any particular question just based upon this piece of evidence. You have to fit it together.” the website quotes James Ison at the RootsTech 2016 conference.

While we’re at the Family search blog we should also read the two next parts of this series 3 Ways to Ensure Your Research Meets the Genealogical Proof Standard and How to Successfully Apply the Genealogical Proof Standard

The Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center have an article where the author John, discusses the book Elements of Genealogical Analysis  by Robert Charles Anderson.

I like visualizations and at the blog ThinkGenealogy we find a Genealogy Research Process Map that can be useful to study in order to make sure our research results are correct.

Dear Myrtle offers study groups on how to apply the GPS  Genealogical Proof Standard Study Group (2017)

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