Wednesday, March 26, 2025


My postal address is

Martin Roe Eidhammer
Råket 1

I’m on Facebook. Look for Martin Roe Eidhammer
If you send me a private message it might take a little while before I respond.

I’m on Twitter as @MEidhammer I tweet only about matters I think might be relevant to a genealogist.

I can Skype, but you need to contact me in advance so that we can agree on a time to talk.

If you want me to have a look at a record, please send me the link to the actual source. Read my article Link to the actual source

If you have already posted your questions to an online forum, please wait to see if you get some response there before you write to me. It is incredibly irritating to spend time searching records and looking up stuff, just to find that you already got your answers elsewhere. That is an unnecessary waste of my time.

Please make sure that your email address is entered correctly. I do not have the capacity to do much detective work if my reply to you is returned undelivered.


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