Friday, March 28, 2025

Calling everyone from Romsdal!

I want to draw your attention to a group on Facebook that is dealing with genealogy from Romsdal.

Romsdal is the name of a traditional district in the Norwegian county Møre og Romsdal, located between Nordmøre and Sunnmøre. The district of Romsdal comprises the municipalities of Aukra, Fræna, Midsund, Molde, Nesset, Rauma, Sandøy, and Vestnes. You can read about the name, geography and history of Romsdal on Wikipedia.

In this blog I deal with concepts that I hope has relevance for the entire Norway. Nevertheless, I have lived in Romsdal most of my life and If I am asked to define a geographical area of “expertise” I would say it is Romsdal.

I want to draw your attention to a group on Facebook that is dealing with genealogy from Romsdal. The group can be found here. This is a group that was established some years ago, but has not drawn any attention and activity. I just had a chat with the moderator Monica Skjevelnes, and she tells me that everyone is welcome to take part in this group.

If you want to discuss genealogy questions or problems that is connected to Romsdal this may be the place for you.  There are many Norwegians with connection to Romsdal that already are members of the group.

I hope you will share this post with other genealogists with roots in Romsdal

Breaking news!
Things happen fast in the time of Internet. Since I wrote this post a couple of hours ago I have been offered and accepted to be administrator of this group. I will do my best to “govern” in a polite and respectfull way as I ask you to apply the same considerations in your communications.

The municipalities of Romsdal

Molde kommune
Molde komm.svg MoldeMolde26 732362,66
Vestnes kommune
Vestnes komm.svg VestnesVestnes6 611351,98
Rauma kommune
Rauma komm.svg RaumaÅndalsnes7 4921 502,14
Nesset kommune
Nesset komm.svg NessetEidsvåg2 9701 046,07
Midsund kommune
Midsund komm.svg MidsundMidsund2 08894,65
Sandøy kommune
Sandøy komm.svg SandøySteinshamn1 27021,42
Aukra kommune
Aukra komm.svg AukraAukra3 51859,07
Fræna kommune
Fræna komm.svg FrænaElnesvågen9 717369,73

*Community Identification Number


The Google map does, unfortunately not, show administrative boundaries, but this is the approximate extent of Romsdal.


If you have ties to Romsdal, come on and help make this a nice and interesting place to exchange questions, ideas and experieces.



2 thoughts on “Calling everyone from Romsdal!

  • My grandmother and her family were from Tjelle, More og Romsdal. I’m just starting genealogical research and I found this website. My husband and I are planning a trip to Norway and Sweden and are planning to go to our other grandparents place of birth also. It looks so beautiful there.

    • Hello Joan

      Tjelle is not far from where we live. Please tell me if you need any help in your search for your ancestors.



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